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重庆际华拍卖有限公司 耀州窑暗刻云纹四方兽耳瓶

发布时间:2020-01-10 18:12来源:
重庆际华拍卖有限公司 重庆际华拍卖有限公司,为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在



【名称】 耀州窑暗刻云纹四方兽耳瓶

【规格】 高:31cm 上口直径:10.24cm 下口直径:12.3cm

【类别】 瓷器




















Chongqing JiHua auction co. LTD

Chongqing Ji Hua auctions limited company, it is to collect powerful transmission effect to recommend to each buy a country to choose art curiums through expert of appraisal of a class of country to buy, draw a line to build a bridge for collector, let value of 1000 art curiums be discovered and take seriously, be able to clinch a deal with high price on auction.


[Name] Yaozhou Kiln Darkly Carved Moire Square Square Animal Ear Bottle

[Specification] Height: 31cm Upper diameter: 10.24cm Lower Diameter: 12.3cm

[Category] Porcelain




Yaozhou Kiln · Treasures in Traditional Chinese Ceramic Crafts. It is one of the six kiln systems in the Song Dynasty in China.


The Tang Dynasty created burns, matured in the fifth generation, flourished in the Northern Song Dynasty, continued to burn in the Jin Dynasty, and finally the middle and late Ming Dynasty.

The history of continuously firing ceramics is more than 800 years. Yaozhou kiln is one of the famous kiln in China. Its representative product "carved flower" celadon is compared to "clever as fan gold, refined than carved jade". "Crown" reputation, the Song Dynasty has become famous at home and abroad.

The Yaozhou Kiln Site was listed as a "National Key Cultural Relics Protection Unit" and was also named "One of the Top 100 Archaeological Discoveries in China" and "One of the Top 10 Archaeological Discoveries in Shaanxi" in the 20th century.

Yaozhou Kiln is the representative of northern celadon. It is the most prestigious and can be regarded as the leader. It is the main producing place of northern celadon, Shili Kiln.

In the Tang Dynasty, it was a famous place for firing Chinese ceramics. It was named Yaozhou Kiln because it belonged to Yaozhou government during the Tang and Song dynasties. In the Tang Dynasty, black glaze, white glaze, blue glaze, tea leaf glaze and white glaze green color, brown color, black color and three-color pottery were fired. Song and Jin are mainly celadon. The Northern Song Dynasty was the heyday of Yaozhou kiln. According to records, "Gong porcelain" was burned for the court. The Jin Dynasty continued the development of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the Yuan Dynasty began to transform due to historical reasons.

The decoration methods are mainly carved and printed, and the carved flowers are particularly exquisite. It is the best in Yaozhou kiln. The knife is sharp and smooth, strong and powerful.

The bottle body of this (Yaozhou Kiln Darkly Carved Beast Ear Bottle) is decorated with "engraved flowers". The belly is engraved with double lotus petals, the sharp blade is sharp, the depth is deep, and the flower branches are entwined.

The bottle body is applied with blue glaze, the glazed surface is crystal clear and moist, the glass texture is strong, and the glaze layer is clean.

Moreover, Yaozhou kiln carved celadon has more bowls and fewer bottles. This bottle is produced by the orthodox official kiln in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties. The tangled flowers surround the Quartet's ears. The grace of the bottle is full of classical generosity. The depth and depth are combined with pitch. It is clear and has the effect of three-dimensional patterns.


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