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御尚文化艺术精品赏析:御世珍藏,尚博古今! 龙凤聚宝盘

发布时间:2020-03-29 13:13来源:
御尚文化艺术精品赏析:御世珍藏,尚博古今! 龙凤聚宝盘 合同号:YSWHPMFW-A3036 规格:高:12.5cm底直径:25.5cm上口内径:32cm中间直径:39.5cm重:18斤 聚宝盆,顾名思义其形状为凹形,









盆周有吉祥图纹盘横,盆底有官印为“光绪年制”小篆体,龙凤纹包裹。口径周边使用痕迹明显,器型端庄大方,形制规范;通体施银色釉,光洁似银器;上敷以银釉龙凤纹浮雕,雕瓷纹饰细腻丰满生动, 胎质坚实厚重,底款“乾隆年制”四字篆书款,经鉴定为乾隆后期仿制,但也是官窑器风格,极具收藏及投资价值。满器采用雕瓷工艺,龙凤纹饰刻画深刻典型,气势磅礴神态逼真,栩栩如生,整体纹饰搭配自然合理,具有聚财好运之意,极其富贵荣华,龙凤呈祥,寓意美好。








Sun xiaotou semicircle coin in the 31st year of the republic of China, with a five-part profile of Dr. Sun yat-sen in the center of the front, and the word "the 31st year of the republic of China" in the upper ring; On the back center for the cloth coin pattern, the value of the left and right "semicircle". Collection of historical traces are obvious, in the palm of the hand, a sense of the vicissitudes of life. Its colour and lustre is natural, package pulp is lukewarm run, form system is neat, grain is acted the role of, font is fine, have good collect value. It is understood that the republic of China sun xiaotou coin has always been a circle of many, semicircle of very few, people say, things to rare for expensive, this coin appears in the market frequency is more rare, precious value, is worth getting the coin treasure.



This 31-year roc semi-round nickel is 2.79cm in diameter. The coin design is exquisite and the font is elegant. On the front side is the profile of sun yat-sen. On the back side is the traditional Chinese cloth coin. The product is relatively good, the typeface is clear, the form is neat, the quality of a material is fine, the grain is engraved the craft is fine, this kind of coin deposits the world quantity is rare, has the higher collection value.



In addition to the republic of China sun xiaotou coin is always a circle of many, semicircle of very few, people say, things to rare for expensive, the frequency of this coin appears in the market is relatively rare. In addition, this coin can fully display the coinage technology of the republic of China, and provide reference for people to study and analyze the coinage technology of the republic of China in the future. It has important investigation value, historical and cultural value and extremely high collection value.


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