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近日 本公司征集精品推荐:范曾先生的人物画

发布时间:2020-03-29 20:48来源:
近日 本公司征集精品推荐:范曾先生的人物画 【藏品名称】:范曾先生的人物画 [collection name]: The portrait of Mr. Fan Zeng 【类别】:人物画 Class: Figure painting 范曾(1938.7.5-),字十翼,别

近日 本公司征集精品推荐:范曾先生的人物画


[collection name]: The portrait of Mr. Fan Zeng


Class: Figure painting


范曾(1938.7.5-),字十翼,别署抱冲斋主,江苏南通人,中国当代大儒、思想家、国学大师、书画巨匠、文学家、诗人。现为北京大学中国画法研究院院长、讲席教授,中国艺术研究院终身研究员,南开大学、南通大学惟一终身教授,联合国教科文组织“多元文化特别顾问”,英国格拉斯哥大学名誉文学博士,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学荣誉文学博士。是当代中国集诗书画、文史哲、儒释道于一身的文化大家,平生著作等身,已出版一百六十余种诗、书画、哲学之著述,国家图书馆珍藏其中119种。 范曾提倡“回归古典、回归自然”,身体力行“以诗为魂、以书为骨”的美学原则,对中国画的发展厥功至钜,开创了“新古典主义”艺术的先河。1984年,日本冈山范曾美术馆建立;1986年,捐建并主持南开大学东方艺术系;2008年,南通大学范曾艺术馆揭牌;2011年,荣获中华艺文奖终身成就奖。有二十四字自评:痴于绘画,能书;偶为辞章,颇抒己怀;好读书史,略通古今之变。

Fan Zeng (1938.7.5 -), with ten wings, was born in Nantong, Jiangsu Province. He is a great scholar, thinker, sinologist, calligrapher, painter, litterateur and poet. At present, he is the president and Chair Professor of the Chinese Academy of painting, Peking University, lifelong researcher of the Chinese Academy of art, the only lifelong professor of Nankai University and Nantong University, the "special adviser for multiculturalism" of UNESCO, the honorary doctor of literature of the University of Glasgow and the honorary doctor of literature of the University of Alberta. He is a cultural master of poetry, calligraphy, painting, literature, history, philosophy, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in contemporary China. He has published more than 160 kinds of poetry, calligraphy, painting and philosophy works, of which 119 are collected by the National Library. Fan Zeng advocated "returning to classicality and nature" and practiced the aesthetic principle of "taking poetry as the soul and book as the bone". He made great contribution to the development of Chinese painting and created the forerunner of "neoclassicism" art. In 1984, Fanzeng art museum was established in Okayama, Japan; in 1986, he donated and presided over the Department of Oriental Art of Nankai University; in 2008, Fanzeng Art Museum of Nantong University was opened; in 2011, he won the lifetime achievement award of Chinese art and literature award. There are twenty-four words of self-evaluation: infatuated with painting, able to read; occasionally as a dictionary, quite express their feelings; good history of reading, slightly through the changes of ancient and modern times.

范曾,中国当代著名学者,书画巨匠,散文家,艺术理论家,美学家, 教育家, 鉴赏家,杂学家,讲演家,社会活动家,慈善家,诗人。范曾获聘:南开大学终身教授,南开大学文学院、 历史学院博士生导师, 北京大学中国画法研究院院长、 中国文化书院导师,中国艺术研究院博士生导师、终身研究员, 南通大学终身教授、 南通大学楚辞研究中心学术委员会主任, 中国海洋大学人文社会科学研究院院长, 山东大学艺术学院名誉院长、特聘教授, 中国人民大学国学院专家委员会委员、 兼职教授, 武汉大学特聘教授, 内蒙古大学名誉教授, 济南大学特聘教授, 郑州师范学院、 中州大学特聘教授,中国书画收藏专业委员会主席, 中国美术家协会会员, 中国艺术家协会顾问, 中国民主同盟中央委员、民盟中央美术院艺术指导委员会委员, 南昌八大山人纪念馆名誉馆长, 天津市国学研究会学术顾问,天津盘山书院山长,山东 梁山县政府顾问。

Fan Zeng, a famous contemporary Chinese scholar, master of calligraphy and painting, essayist, art theorist, aesthetician, educator, connoisseur, miscellaneous scholar, speaker, social activist, philanthropist, poet. Fan Zeng was employed as a lifelong professor of Nankai University, a doctoral supervisor of the school of Arts and history of Nankai University, a dean of the Chinese Painting Academy of Peking University, a supervisor of the Chinese culture academy, a doctoral supervisor and a lifelong researcher of the Chinese art academy, a lifelong professor of Nantong University, and a director of the academic committee of the Chuci research center of Nantong University, Dean of the Institute of Humanities and social sciences of Ocean University of China, honorary Dean and distinguished professor of the school of art of Shandong University, member and part-time professor of the expert committee of the National College of Renmin University of China, distinguished professor of Wuhan University, Honorary Professor of Inner Mongolia University, distinguished professor of Jinan University, Zhengzhou normal university Distinguished professor of Zhongzhou University, chairman of China calligraphy and painting collection professional committee, member of China Artists Association, consultant of China Artists Association, member of Central Committee of China Democratic League, member of art Steering Committee of Central Academy of fine arts of China Democratic League, honorary curator of Nanchang eight mountain people memorial hall, academic Consultant of Tianjin Sinology Research Association, head of Tianjin Panshan academy, Shandong Province Liangshan county government consultant.


文学泰斗 钱钟书评价:画品居上之上,化人现身外身

诺贝尔物理学奖获得者 杨振宁评价:今天在座的范曾,他没问题,是当代的大师,是当代的大书法家,是当代的大画家,而且以我外行的看法,他不只是当代的,也是几百年来,没有一个像他这样的大。

I know fan once had a trilogy: the first step is that he is just a painter, the second step is that he is a sinologist, and the third step is that he is a thinker. In these three aspects, he has profound and exquisite attainments.

The evaluation of Qian Zhongshu, the literary Champion: the painting is superior to the others

Yang Zhenning, Nobel Laureate in physics, said: Fan Zeng, who is here today, is no problem. He is a contemporary master, a contemporary calligrapher and a contemporary painter. In my layman's view, he is not only contemporary, but also has not been as big as him for hundreds of years.

在绘画领域,范曾先生几十年来专攻人物。他绘画下笔果断,线条富有生命力,仅寥寥数笔人物就跃然纸上,这样的水平是许多画家所达不到的(恐怕也是有人嫉妒的)。In the field of painting, Mr. Fan Zeng has specialized in characters for decades. He draws decisively, and the lines are full of vitality. With only a few strokes of characters, he leaps to the surface of the paper. This level is beyond many painters' reach (I'm afraid some people are envious too).



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