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发布时间:2020-04-18 16:21来源:
精品推荐 Quality recommendation 崇宁重宝 Chong Ning Chong Bao 【类别】:钱币 Class: Coins 【数量】:一组 [quantity]: a group 【朝代】:北宋 [Dynasty]: Northern Song Dynasty 纵观华夏历史,每个朝代为了方


Quality recommendation


Chong Ning Chong Bao


Class: Coins


[quantity]: a group


[Dynasty]: Northern Song Dynasty


Throughout the history of China, in order to facilitate the circulation of goods and economic prosperity, each dynasty has made coins that represent the symbol of the current Dynasty, but from the material and style of making coins are different. Ancient Chinese coins sprouted in Xia Dynasty. At first, they were exchanged with shell coins. They originated from the Yin and Shang Dynasties, developed in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and unified in the Qin Dynasty. After more than 4000 years of long history, they have created more than 70 of the world's most.


Chongning heavy treasure was cast in the reign of Emperor Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty (1102-1106 A.D.), with copper, iron and silver as its currency. Chongning heavy treasure is a large amount of copper and iron coins in Lishu, which are well made and well preserved. Another Chongning treasure, Qian Wen, is the Huizong imperial script with thin gold body, iron strokes and silver hooks. It has a deep and clear aura, and its calligraphy is superb, which can be regarded as the peak of regular script with coins. The world called it "the first spring of Song Dynasty", and Xinmang called China's Qianfa "two saints". In January 1100 A.D., Emperor zhe Zong of the Northern Song Dynasty died of illness. Zhao Ji, his younger brother, succeeded him as the eighth emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty and became Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty.


The Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty was "skillful in nature and superior to art". He indulged in calligraphy and painting all day long and ignored the official principles. In his 25 years of reign, he successively struck six kinds of coins, of which the Qian Wen of Chongning chongbao is the thin gold body of the book of Hui clan. It's amazing that Chongning heavy treasure, refined bronze and clear writing bones make many ancient coin collectors love it.




The other side


This Chongning treasure is made of round square hole copper with correct size and good size. It is a precious coin of Song Dynasty. On the obverse of the coin, "Chongning chongbao" is a four character official script reading. It is simple and square, has a fixed method, is rigorous and solemn, has a dignified and neat font, full and round strokes, is straight and handsome, and is very beautiful. It has clean perforations, is comfortable and neat, and has a natural and ancient pulp coating. This coin, unlike other Chongning chongbao, belongs to a special version. It can clearly see the closed figure of Qian Bei, which is very rare, Has a very high collection value!


The whole collection is well made, with clear and beautiful layout, upright writing and good preservation. After the baptism of time and the scouring of years, it becomes bronze. It has a natural pulp coating and a strong sense of history. Chongning's treasure has not existed much in the world, and the special version of Qian Bei Shuyue is rare and precious. It is a rare treasure of ancient coins, which is worth collecting.


With the passage of time, the quantity of Chongning heavy treasure will be less and less. The scarcity of quantity provides favorable conditions for its value rise, which is very worthy of our collection. With the continuous pursuit of people, the number of Chongning heavy treasure will be less and less, the number of rare collections, its appreciation space will be larger and larger, Chongning heavy treasure is a collection with great appreciation potential.


For more details of boutique contact: 13919535493


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