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发布时间:2020-06-24 19:38来源:
【规格】重量 493.8克485.6克 [Specification] weight 493.8g 485.6g 【类别】:陨石 [category]: meteorite 【数量】:两颗 [quantity]: two 苍茫宇宙,浩瀚无垠,有太多的未知等待着人类去探索。长久以来

【规格】重量 493.8克&485.6克

[Specification] weight 493.8g & 485.6g


[category]: meteorite


[quantity]: two


The vast universe, the vast, there are too many unknowns waiting for human to explore. For a long time, meteorites called "extraterrestrial rocks" have been popular with many astronomers and geologists for their high scientific research value. Nowadays, meteorite collection is popular all over the world, and being able to collect meteorites has become a symbol of the status of collectors. The world's meteorites can be divided into three types: iron meteorites, stone meteorites and iron meteorites. Among them, iron meteorites are pursued by new collectors because of their unique historical value and scientific research value.

陨石是经过遥远的外太空经过漫长的飘行,又经过急速的坠落、高温的摩擦降临了地球,被称作 “天外来石”的陨石因极高的科研价值一直受到众多天文学家和地质学家的热捧。现在,陨石珍藏热席卷全球,能够珍藏陨石成了就珍藏家身份职位的象征,其中陨石有着丰富的历史价值和科研价值,备受收藏家们的追逐。

Meteorites have come to the earth after a long journey through outer space, a rapid fall and high temperature friction. Meteorites called "extraterrestrial rocks" have been popular with many astronomers and geologists for their high scientific research value. Now, meteorite collection is hot all over the world, and it has become a symbol of the status of a collector. Among them, meteorites have rich historical value and scientific research value, which are chased by collectors.


For example, the weight of these two meteorites is about 493.8g and 485.6g, respectively. They are coated with an oxide layer, called a melting shell. There are many large and small craters distributed on the surface, called air marks. In addition, there are grooves with different shapes, called melting grooves, and there are very striking melting lines. These are formed due to the intense friction and combustion between them and the atmosphere during the falling process. Under high magnification, the iron meteorite has obvious crystalline particles. Meteorites contain a lot of information about the formation and evolution of solar system objects, and their experimental analysis will help to explore the mysteries of the solar system. Through the determination of the isotopic contents of various elements in meteorites, the age of meteorites can be calculated, so as to study various information about the beginning of the formation of the solar system. In addition, they can also carry the original information of asteroids, planets, large satellites or comets, so they are very


Meteorite has become a potential stock for international collectors and investors to maintain and increase value, with unlimited potential. Rare things have always been the best collections in the collection world. Nowadays, the trace of the stone iron meteorite is rare and its price is higher than that of gold. It shines in the collection market with its non replicability, non reforestation and unique charm. The collection trend is more and more hot. Collectors have a special interest in it and it has great collection value


For more details, please contact Xi'an wanzhan Art Exhibition Service Co., Ltd


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