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儒行天弈精品推荐 ---四川铜币

发布时间:2020-06-29 16:47来源:
四川铜币 四川铜币,是晚清和北洋时期四川省地方政权铸造的货币。 此枚四川铜币实属罕见,非常珍贵。正面中书四川铜币四字,中心作芙蓉花一小朵,上边加军政府造四字,下边加




Sichuan copper coins

Sichuan copper coin is the currency of Sichuan local government in the late Qing Dynasty and Beiyang Period.

This "Sichuan copper coin" is rare and precious. On the front side, there are four characters of "Sichuan copper coin", with a small lotus flower in the center, with four characters made by the military government on the top and 50 Wen and 6 characters on the bottom. On the back, there is a large circle with 18 small circles, and inside the circle is the seal character "Han", representing the "Great Han" of the new government. It bears the distinctive era mark of the revolution of 1911 and witnessed the magnificent revolutionary history. With straight lines as the bottom, the inscription "the first year of the Republic of China" was cast on it. The collection is well preserved. It has natural color, thick coating, clear words, elegant patterns and slight wear.

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