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发布时间:2020-07-27 18:53来源:
儒行天弈精品推荐 ---- 石铁陨石 陨石(meteorite)也称陨星,是地球以外脱离原有运行轨道的宇宙流星或尘碎块飞快散落到地球或其它行星表面的未燃尽的石质、铁质或是石铁混合的物质



Meteorites, also called meteorites, are pieces of unburned rock, iron, or a mix of iron and stone that fly off the surface of the earth or other planets as cosmic meteors or dust fragments from an orbiting place outside the earth.


Because meteorites are from outer space, meteorites to determine the true and false is the need for instrument identification, the naked eye only auxiliary role. Most meteorites come from the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and a few from the moon and Mars. Meteorites can be roughly divided into stone meteorites, iron meteorites, stone iron meteorites mixed.


This stone iron meteorite is the sky, the weight is up to 1000 grams, is a rare, is very rare a good collection, this stone iron meteorite, wrapped with natural, beautiful color, good appearance, by a lot of domestic and foreign customers like and pursue, has a very high collection and appreciation space.


Iron meteorites are a type of meteorite. These meteorites contain 50% silicate and 50% inconel. Stony iron meteorites are divided into two subclasses: olivine meteorites and middle iron meteorites.


Appearance molten shell: meteorite before falling to the ground to pass through the dense atmosphere, meteorite in the process of falling and the atmosphere friction to produce high temperature, so that its surface melting and the formation of a thin molten shell. As a result, the newly landed meteorites have a black molten shell on the surface, about 1 mm thick.

表面气印:另外,由于陨石与大气流之间的相互作用,陨石表面还会留下许多气印,就象手指按下的手印。 .内部金属:铁陨石和石铁陨石内部是有金属铁组成,这些铁的镍含量很高(5-10%)。球粒陨石内部也有金属颗粒,在新鲜断裂面上能看到细小的金属颗粒。 磁性:正因为大多数陨石含有铁,所以95%的陨石都能被磁铁吸住。

Surface air marks: in addition, due to the interaction between the meteorite and the large airflow, the meteorite surface will also leave many air marks, like finger pressed handprints. . Internal metal: iron meteorites and stone iron meteorites are composed of metallic iron, which has a high nickel content (5-10%). Chondrite meteorites also have metal particles inside, which can be seen on the fresh fracture surface. Magnetism: because most meteorites contain iron, 95 percent of them are held by magnets.

仅仅含石量大的陨星称为陨石,含铁量大的陨星称为陨铁。依据陨石本身所含的这么问的话当然是镍铁陨石能量最大,辟邪效果最强,能量极为刚烈,不是一搬地球物质能比的镍铁陨石一般不需要净化,不需要用水晶消磁,由于为他能量极强壮,水晶会被反消磁。 当然,养护很重要,需求定时涂一点橄榄油,日常尽量避水,以防生锈

Meteorites containing only large amounts of stone are called meteorites, and meteorites with large amounts of iron are called meteorites. According to the meteorite itself contains such a question of course is the largest nickel iron meteorite energy, the strongest effect of exorcism, the energy is very strong, is not a move earth material can than the nickel iron meteorite generally do not need to purify, do not need to use crystal demagnetization, because of his energy is very strong, crystal will be anti-demagnetization. Of course, maintenance is very important, the demand is regularly besmear a little olive oil, daily as far as possible avoid water, lest rust


Meteorites are generally denser. According to the different composition can be divided into three kinds: iron meteorites, stone meteorites and stone iron meteorites. There are many kinds of stones on earth. Iron in meteorites is found in the form of elemental iron, which is absent from rocks on earth. Meteorites are generally harmless. But it may contain harmful radioactive elements.

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