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发布时间:2020-09-04 19:02来源:
拍卖会精品:崇宁重宝、崇宁通宝 国际拍卖场为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖会











Collection map




















The coins of this group are Chongning chongbao and Chongning Tongbao. The coin is round and square inside. The inscription on the front of the coin is: Chongning chongbao official script with four characters, simple and upright, square mouth and round center.The coins of this group are Chongning chongbao and Chongning Tongbao. The coin is round and square inside. The inscription on the front of the coin is: Chongning chongbao official script with four characters, simple and upright, square mouth and round center. The back of the coin has no ornamentation and is of great collection value. In addition, the Tongbao coins of Chongning are of thin gold body, iron strokes and silver hooks. They have a deep and elegant style. The calligraphy is super smooth and plain without decorative patterns. It is a rare and excellent coin with great collection value. In addition, Chongning Tongbao coin writing is a thin gold body with iron strokes and silver hooks. It has a deep bone and elegant style. Its calligraphy is excellent and excellent, which can be called the peak of regular script. It can be called the peak of regular script.






The coins and inscriptions are written in a regular way, with harmonious layout, dignified and generous style, clear strokes, strong strokes and spacing. After observing the rust phase, we can see that the surface of the collection is dark, covered with rust color, mottled and dignified. The rust slurry is very compact and distributed naturally, which is very rare. It is regarded as "the first spring of Song Dynasty" by the world, and is called "two sages" of China's Qianfa with Xinmang.






Chongning chongbao and Chongning Tongbao were first cast in Chongning period of Northern Song Dynasty. The coins are large type, heavy in body, bronze in color and antique in rust color. They are imperial script money. The calligraphy of the coin is delicate and thin, with iron and silver hook. The "Ning" character has a long outer point and no return pen. The four characters of Qian and Wen are full. They are rare treasures. At present, the money investment market is hot and the market is booming, and the collection is rare It has a history of thousands of years from today. Its cultural value and collection value are self-evident. It has great investment value and collection value.



























Chongning chongbao, diameter 3.1cm, weight: 10g. This coin has a clear and beautiful layout and square characters. It is a rare ancient coin. The official script on the front is simple and square, and the four traditional characters of "Chongning chongbao" are shining. What is left on the coin between the lines is the rust that corrodes the coin, which makes people know its historical years at a glance. Chongning Tongbao, diameter 3.1m, weight: 10.1g. It was made in Chongning period of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty.














In addition to pyrometallurgy, Chongning Zhongbao and Chongning Tongbao also have "copper smelting with gall water". This copper smelting method is to use metal iron to replace copper from the solution containing copper compounds, and then scrape it off, and then after cooking, copper ingots can be obtained. The so-called "bile water" refers to the natural spring water containing copper sulfate (commonly known as stone gall and gallstone alum). Its formation is because of the weathering and oxidation of natural copper sulfide ore, part of which will form soluble copper sulfate, which will dissolve and flow into spring water after being soaked and washed by groundwater and rain water. This kind of bile water must have enough copper concentration before it can be used as raw material for copper hydrometallurgy. Therefore, the difficulty of casting was very difficult at that time, the collection value was very huge, and the commemorative value of historical significance was very high.






The coins of the pre-Qin period were mainly made of copper-tin alloy, and the copper was bluish-red and had a relatively stiff texture; most of the coins from the Han Dynasty to the Tang and Song Dynasties were cast in bronze, which was characterized by a copper color with a slight reddish in the blue and white. The five baht money in the Sui Dynasty was called white money because of the large tin content and the whiteness of copper. After Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, the transition to brass began. During the reign of Tianqi, the use of brass coins became custom-made, and the color of the coins had undergone a greater change than before.






Chongning coins are treasures left to mankind by history. They have high collection, research, and appreciation value. The exquisite coining and conquering the world have made many ancient coin lovers love it. Moreover, ancient Chinese coins are unique.




Special tips: the above collections are sold in good faith. Collectors from all walks of life are welcome to consult and bid at the auction.








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