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发布时间:2020-11-09 21:48来源:
国际拍卖场为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖会上得以高价成交。 【名称】:郎世




【规格】:L 105cm/W 65cm

【数量】:1 幅




Collection display



郎世宁(Giuseppe Castiglione,1688年—1766年),天主教耶稣会修士、画家,意大利米兰人。1715年(清康熙五十四年)来中国传教,随即入皇宫任宫廷画家,历经康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝,在中国从事绘画50多年,并参加了圆明园西洋楼的设计工作,为清代宫廷十大画家之一。正郎世宁的《午端图》,是一幅近似欧洲静物画的作品。图中,青瓷瓶内插着蒲草叶、石榴花、蜀葵花,托盘里盛有李子、樱桃等水果,几个粽子散落一旁,散发着浓浓的节日气息。就构图而言,画中物品聚散有致,三角形的布局带给画面稳定感,而色彩深浅及光影明暗的变化展示了花叶、水果和瓷瓶的立体感,尤其是瓷瓶肩部,见于欧洲绘画的"高光"手法,能令观者清晰地体会到西方油画的技巧。

Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1766), a Catholic Jesuit monk and painter, was born in Milan, Italy. In 1715 (the 54th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty), he came to China to preach and then became a court painter in the imperial palace. After three dynasties of Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong, he has been engaged in painting in China for more than 50 years, and participated in the design of the Western Tower in the Yuanmingyuan Garden. He is one of the top ten painters in the Qing Dynasty. The painting of Wu Duan by Lang shining is similar to a European still life painting. In the picture, the celadon vase is filled with cattail leaves, pomegranate flowers, and sunflower flowers. The tray is filled with plums, cherries and other fruits. A few rice dumplings are scattered on one side, giving off a strong festive atmosphere. As far as the composition is concerned, the objects in the painting gather and disperse, the triangle layout brings a sense of stability to the picture, while the changes of color depth and light and shade show the three-dimensional sense of flowers, leaves, fruits and porcelain bottles, especially the shoulder of porcelain bottles, which can be seen in the "high light" technique of European painting, so that the viewer can clearly experience the skills of Western oil painting.


Collection display






"Minister Lang Shi Ning Gonghua", two seals under the seal, the seal is indistinct.


As a foreign visitor, in order to make Christianity widely spread in China, many missionaries who arrived in China at the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty adopted the missionary strategy of integrating Eastern and Western cultures, and then gradually carrying out doctrines. Lang shining is undoubtedly a thorough practitioner. Although his technique of expressing still life in this picture originated from European oil painting, its content reflects the customs which contain the essence of Chinese culture for more than 2000 years. It is because of the eclectic technique of combining Chinese and foreign cultures and winning the East and the West as well as the theme selection catering to the taste of Chinese emperors that made Lang shining a Western painter deeply appreciated by the emperors Yongzheng and Qianlong and greatly enhanced his use. A large number of his paintings have also benefited from this. This painting is exquisite, is one of the few fine works, has great collection value and investment value.


Collection display


郎世宁在作画方面,采用的是国外的西洋画法和中国的传统工笔画法相结合,由于郎世宁所画的油画不受康熙皇帝的喜爱,所以郎世宁就像当地的名家学习在绢画上作画的技巧,因此,其所做的《十骏犬图》《百骏图》《 乾隆大阅图 》《瑞谷图》《花鸟图》《百子图》等作品在当今收藏界有着十分巨大的影响,同时这些作品也是拍卖会上的压轴作品。此藏品具有极高的收藏价值和观赏价值。


Special tips: the above collections are sold in good faith. Collectors from all walks of life are welcome to consult and bid at the auction.



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