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发布时间:2021-02-20 20:28来源:
【藏品名称】:崇宁重宝 【藏品类别】:钱币 【藏品数量】:一枚 【藏品起拍价】:188888 崇宁重宝,是北宋徽宗崇宁年间铸(公元1102年-1106年),铜币正面镌刻着崇宁重宝,字体为隶书






Chongning chongbao was made during the reign of Emperor Huizong of the Northern Song Dynasty (1102-1106). On the front of the coin is engraved "Chongning chongbao". The font is official script, dignified and elegant, simple and square, rigorous and solemn, and the law is fixed. The rust left between the lines is corrosive. On the back of the coin, no font is printed. The central part of the coin is a square pattern with holes, which is square, decent and three-dimensional.


This coin: chongbao of Chongning, with a round shape and a square hole in the middle, is easy for people to string it up and hang it on their bodies, so it is not easy to lose. The four characters "Chongning Tongbao" are engraved on the front of the coin. All the characters are neatly and clearly depicted, and the back of the coin is plain without ornamentation, which is of better quality. "Chongning chongbao" has a regular casting, clear font, unique style, fluent writing style and meticulous decoration.



This copper coin is well made, clear and beautiful in layout, upright in writing, and well preserved. After the baptism of time and the erosion of years, it turns into an ancient copper color with a natural coating and a strong sense of history. This coin is rare in the world. It is a rare fine ancient coin and worth collecting.

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