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发布时间:2021-04-22 19:55来源:
【藏品名称】:光绪元宝 Collection name: Guangxu Yuanbao 【藏品类别】:钱币 Collection category: Coins 【藏品数量】:一枚 [collection quantity]: one piece 【藏品简介】:1898年湖南省造光绪元宝库平三


Collection name: Guangxu Yuanbao


Collection category: Coins


[collection quantity]: one piece


[introduction to collection]: in 1898, Hunan Province made a silver coin of 3.6% in Guangxu Yuanbao Kuping. Up to the end of the Qing Dynasty, Hunan Province had been using two silver cakes. In 1898, Guangdong and other coastal provinces had already implemented the silver policy, and commissioned them to cast two silver coins of 7.2% and 3.6%. Later, due to the failure to set up a factory in Hunan Province, Hubei Province was only responsible for casting a large number of silver coins of quarter and seventy-two percent. As for the 3 / 6% sample coin, it should also be minted by Hubei, but it has not been officially issued. It is rarely circulated in the market.


The collection is exquisite in appearance, and its aesthetic is majestic. On the front of the coin, the integration of Manchu and Chinese culture is rarely seen, while the back of the coin clearly indicates the intervention of western culture. It has a high investment value and collection value because of its deep pulp, natural maturity, clear typing mouth, obvious circulation trace, clear edge teeth and clear dragon scales. It is a revolutionary cultural relic with high value and far-reaching historical significance. At the same time, it is still an embarrassing object of Archaeology and the study of Chinese history and culture


As a kind of physical representative in the history of currency development, Guangxu Yuanbao is a witness of history. With the development of the times, it not only reflects the wisdom accumulation of the Chinese people, but also reflects the humanistic history and economic culture of each era. It also reflects the current situation of China. As a representative of coin collection, it has high collection value, historical value and research value Value is a kind of rare coin. This Qing Dynasty copper coin is a rare and exquisite ancient coin with exquisite appearance, ingenious design, exquisite workmanship, exquisite design, exquisite decoration, lifelike and exquisite. It is of great collection value.

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