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十 帝 钱

发布时间:2020-05-12 18:44来源:
大清十位帝王所铸造的古钱,又称帝王钱,十帝钱兼具了帝王之威和百姓之盼。 十帝钱相传还有着众多的的作用和功效,铜质的十帝钱五行属金,铜能吸收更多的能量,相较于金银效果更加

大清十位帝王所铸造的古钱,又称“帝王钱”,十帝钱兼具了帝王之威和百姓之盼。 十帝钱相传还有着众多的的作用和功效,铜质的十帝钱五行属金,铜能吸收更多的能量,相较于金银效果更加,因此十帝铜钱拥有很强的化解煞气的作用。其形状外发天,内地法,取义精宏。其色泽光鲜自然、纹饰深浅适度、外型美观、品相极好。钱面文字以楷书书写,其字从上而下由左至右读“顺治通宝”、“康熙通宝”、“雍正通宝”、“乾隆通宝”、“嘉庆通宝”、“道光通宝”、“咸丰通宝”、“同治通宝”、“光绪通宝”以及“宣统通宝”。

The ancient money made by the ten emperors of the Qing Dynasty, also known as "emperor money", has both the prestige of the emperor and the expectation of the people. It is said that the ten emperors' money has many functions and effects. The copper ten emperors' money and five elements belong to gold. The copper can absorb more energy, which is more effective than the gold and silver. Therefore, the ten emperors' money has a strong function of dissolving evil spirit. The shape of the outer heaven, the inner law, take the meaning of fine macro. Its color is bright and natural, the depth of decoration is moderate, the appearance is beautiful, and the appearance is excellent. Qian Mian characters are written in regular script. From the top to the right, they read "Tongbao of Shunzhi", "Tongbao of Kangxi", "Tongbao of Yongzheng", "Tongbao of Qianlong", "Tongbao of Jiaqing", "Tongbao of Daoguang", "Tongbao of Xianfeng", "Tongbao of Tongzhi", "Tongbao of Guangxu" and "Tongbao of Xuantong".


Because the price of ancient COINS is much lower than that of rare antiques, but the quantity is more, the value is greater, so it is welcomed by many collectors. It is believed that a lot of collection lovers have heard of a kind of collection called "ten emperor money", which is composed of ten kinds of ancient COINS issued during the qing dynasty, with greater collection

value, is the collection that countless collection lovers dream of. This collection of ten - emperor money, well - preserved, photograph, packaging pulp natural. Is a rare encounter of ten emperor money, things vaguely for expensive, nature is very hot by collectors.


Qing government only to establish the coin general factory in tianjin. Manufacturing COINS back by Beijing bureau for a formal qing by individual, and other provinces in China by ways of silver dollar, the dragon pattern is common in qing imperial robe, brocade instruments, ceramics, mighty image, there are

big country style, traditionally cherished for coin collectors, love, and only a few rockets ShiZhu, again by bandits disorderly, handed down little, for Chinese silver dollar lovers if Jane for choi, rare and special.


Qian Wen, with a clear outline, belongs to the beauty of ancient money, with high historical value, artistic value and collection value. There are ten coins of the ten emperors, all

of which are very rare, because of their implication of "perfect": family rule, life Kangxi, moral character Yongzheng, business Qianlong, career Jiaqing, future Daoguang, income Xianfeng, internal and external governance, reputation Guangxu, everything Xuantong. In folklore, the ten emperors are also called ten fortune coins, which can block evil spirits, avoid evil spirits and flourish talents, recruit money, town houses Avoid evil spirits, turn evil spirits, prevent villains, drive safely, etc. Copper coin has a rigid nature. Five elements belong to gold. The power of copper to absorb the gas field is better than gold and silver. The outer circle represents the sky, the inner circle represents the land, and the middle emperor's year number represents the person. Only three elements of "heaven, earth and man" can be possessed. Therefore, there is the energy to turn the world around.



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