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发布时间:2019-07-30 12:45来源:
藏品图片: 藏品名称:大明宣德年制款鼓型兽面铜香炉 藏品规格:口径:7.8cm 高:6.9cm 藏品介绍: 铜香炉是铜做的焚香器具,是历史悠久的传统工艺品。铜香炉虽然质地相同但是不同




藏品规格:口径:7.8cm 高:6.9cm






Collection Name: Daming Xuande Year Drum-shaped Bronze Incense Furnace with Animal Face




Collection Specification: Caliber: 7.8cm High: 6.9cm




Introduction to Collections:


Copper incense burner is an incense burner made of copper and a traditional handicraft with a long history. Copper incense stoves, though of the same texture, were made into various forms by skilled craftsmen of different ages. Copper incense stoves are also used for many purposes, such as smoking copper incense stoves, or furnishing copper incense stoves, or worshipping Buddha copper incense stoves. The most famous copper incense stove is the Xuande stove made in the Ming Dynasty. Copper incense stove is one of the most important categories of copper products in Ming and Qing Dynasties in China. The copper incense stove meticulously smelted, simple and elegant in shape, has received worldwide attention. It used to be a copper incense stove which was popular in the collection market. In the past two years, the collection value has gradually become prominent. The bronze incense stove in the Ming and Qing Dynasties has a pearlescent and elegant color, which makes people refreshed and relaxed.




This Daming Xuande drum bronze incense stove with a diameter of 7.8cm and a height of 6.9cm is a popular type of incense stove with drum-like shape, compact and elegant, simple and magnanimous style. The whole furnace is bronze, concise and neat, with beastly ears, straight mouth, flat edge, neck, flat belly drum drooping, round bottom, with three legs, the bottom engraved with the words "Daming Xuande Year System". The image is concise, generous, weighty and elegant.


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