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发布时间:2019-08-14 23:45来源:
开国纪念币十文双旗币介绍及其价值 今1911年辛亥革命胜利后,清帝退位,中华民国成立,中华民国开国纪念币是由民国政府发行的一款纪念铜钱,正面中华民国开国纪念币字样,十文










民国后期铜元主要指民国二十五年(1936)至民国三十八年(1949)。民国中期后几年,各地军阀逐步走向衰落,国民党政府开始了统一币制控制金融的进程。这一时期国民党政府主要发行纸币,铜元辅币逐渐被镍币所代替。发行的铜元主要有党徽布图分币等。解放前夕,贵州、绥远还发行了地方铜元,但只是昙花一现。 至此,铜元走完了其短暂的历程,逐渐退出流通领域。









通过银铜机制币的研究了解,可放映出我国近代历史、经济、金融的兴衰和沧桑,且像这种双旗币处于特殊的历史时代背景,更是值得收藏与研究。也正是这历史银河中组成的重要部分。就其特定的历史时期也使它在钱币史上占据着重要的地。而且材质珍贵,艺术价值高,由贵重金属或白银合金铸造,制作精美,图案考究,文字清秀,内容丰富,银光灿烂,其貌可人,也具有一定的保值和升值功能。此钱币为我司重点推荐,值得珍藏 。




Introduction of the founding commemorative coin and its value

After the victory of 1911 revolution, the qing emperor abdicated and the republic of China was founded. The founding coin of the republic of China is a commemorative copper coin issued by the government of the republic of China.At that time, the face value of copper COINS was mainly ten or twenty yuan, while fifty yuan was rare and precious.

Early republic of China copper yuan mainly refers to the first year of the republic of China (1912) to the seventh year of the republic of China (1918).Its types include "founding COINS", "republic COINS" and copper COINS of the republic of China with provincial names.During this period, the mixed circulation of new copper yuan and old copper yuan in late qing dynasty further aggravated the chaos of copper yuan.

The middle period of the republic of China refers to the period from the eighth year of the republic of China (1919) to the 24th year of the republic of China (1935).During this period, the chaos of the domestic copper yuan reached its climax.Regional division of the copper land circulation is obviously regional, circulate on the market not only has all kinds of copper coin in the qing dynasty, the republic of China, all kinds of copper coin, individual regions also circulation large amount of copper coin, as most of sichuan, hubei, henan local circulation fifty to two hundred, the large amount of copper coin, the revolutionary base areas and the leadership of the communist party issued a copper coin, puppet army regime is also released copper coin in areas they control.As a result, the copper COINS of this period were very diverse and chaotic.

The latter period of the republic of China mainly refers to the 25 years of the republic of China (1936) to the 38 years of the republic of China (1949).In the middle and later years of the republic of China, warlords around the country gradually declined, the kuomintang government began to unify the currency system to control the process of finance.During this period, the kuomintang government mainly issued paper money, and copper COINS were gradually replaced by nickels.The copper COINS issued mainly include the party emblem layout cents and so on.Before liberation, guizhou, suiyuan also issued local copper yuan, but only a flash in the pan.At this point, the copper yuan finished its short course and gradually withdrew from circulation.

Recently, tianyi culture was lucky to collect a coin with two flags;

Money after the long river of time displaced, its product phase is still well preserved, pulping into the bone, it is rare;The front of the pattern is composed of two rice panicle jiahe grain, the central vertical write "ten" two words;On the back is a two-sided crossed national flag pattern composed of 18 stars on the left and five colors on the right. The upper ring is "republic of China" and the lower ring is "founding coin".Although the collection has gone through endless years, the lines are still clearly visible and witness the accumulation of its history. It has a very obvious transitional feature of history and is of indescribable value.


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