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发布时间:2019-10-13 18:27来源:
2019精品推荐;四川双旗币 藏品名称:四川双旗币 直径:4.19cm 重:25g 铜币是钱币收藏的很大一类,不同版别的铜币都有其独特的韵味,值得投资者们细细品味。在古币的市场交易中,




直径:4.19cm 重:25g



随着各地拍场古钱币买卖的次数更加频频,且因它为群众藏友们带来的价值不菲,使得钱币在各地拍场中所占有的地位越来越高。 在辛亥革命100周年留念日的推进下,近期赤色保藏再度升温,特别是向来对重大历史事件高度灵敏的金银币保藏商场,短期行情也顺势火爆。由于双旗币产生于民国时期,民国在中国历史上仅仅存在了几十年的时间,因而,在兵荒马乱的年代,钱币在经历了无穷的岁月之后,仍然可以完好地保留下来,实属不易,具有很高的文物珍藏价值、历史文化价值以及艺术品鉴价值。

Copper coins are a large collection of coins. Copper coins of different editions have their own unique charm, which is worthy of careful appreciation by investors. In the market trade of ancient coins, this kind of double-flag copper coin is more popular, and has become the focus of many collectors in Shanghai. With the frequent trading of ancient coins in local filming venues, and the value it brings to the masses of Tibetan friends, the status of coins in the filming venues is getting higher and higher. With the promotion of the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution, red preservation has been warming up again recently. Especially in the gold and silver coin preservation market, which has always been highly sensitive to major historical events, the short-term market is also booming. Because the double-flag coins came into being in the period of the Republic of China, and only existed for several decades in the history of the Republic of China, it is not easy for them to remain intact after the endless years of war and chaos. They have high value of cultural relics, historical and cultural value and artistic appreciation.




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