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发布时间:2019-10-14 23:35来源:
2019 精品推荐袁大头签字版 藏品名称 : 袁大头签字版 直径: 3.89cm 重 26.9g 苏维埃签字版民国三年袁大头1931年,国民党反动派对苏区进行军事围剿和经济封锁,红色政权对敌斗争环境十




直径:3.89cm 26.9g



In 1931, the Kuomintang reactionaries carried out military encirclement and suppression and economic blockade on the Soviet area. The red regime's struggle against the enemy environment was very bad. In order to meet the needs of the struggle against the enemy situation, the Red Army stamped "Soviet" on the right side of Yuan Shikai's head on the old silver yuan of the three years of the Republic captured from the local tyrants. They are used to show the difference, to develop the economy of revolutionary base areas, and to guarantee the supply of the Red Army and the construction of the red regime. The Kuomintang has recasted a lot of silver dollars covered with "Soviet" so that "Yuan Datou" stamped with "Soviet" is rare and has a certain collection value. In recent years, with the continuous warming of the coin market, the price of many coins has risen steadily. Yuan Datou is one of the typical representatives. When it comes to silver collection, we have to mention "Yuan Datou". The so-called "Yuan Datou Silver Dollar" refers to the silver dollar currency issued by Yuan Shikai after the 1911 Revolution in order to solve military expenditure and improve his personal political status, which was named for its side image. Yuan Datou, a silver coin with a face value of one yuan, was coined for Yuan Shikai after he became the "Great President". It is a common name for a silver coin with a face image of Yuan Shikai in the early years of the Republic of China. Because it was first cast in the three years of the Republic of China, and also known as the "Three People", this kind of nickname has a long history. As the leader of warlords'silver coins in the Republic of China, the Big Head series is not unfamiliar to coin collectors. The birth of "Yuan Datou" silver dollar is also the inevitable result of the development of silver dollar. The rise and fall of international gold and silver prices have also stimulated the traditional collection market. In the past five years, "Yuan Datou" has been rising and falling continuously during the Republic of China. Industry insiders believe that the future "Yuan Datou" collection still has a greater value space. The Signature Edition of Soviet Yuan Datou is extremely precious and has high collection value.






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