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发布时间:2019-10-16 19:09来源:

民国建立初期,北洋政府鉴于当时铸币、纸币十分复杂,流通的中外货币在百种以上,规格不一,流通混乱,折算繁琐,民众积怨。同时,北洋政府也想借助货币改制以解决军费问题,便决定铸发国币。袁世凯为了提高自己的统治地位,趁机把他的头像铸于币面,“袁大头”由此而来,因其首铸于民国三年,又有称“民三”者。 “袁大头”首次的铸造时间是民国三年,而且该币被定为中华民国国币,因此,它在我国的钱币史上具有非常重要的地位。

In the early days of the republic of China, the beiyang government had complicated coinage and paper money. There were more than 100 kinds of Chinese and foreign currencies in circulation. At the same time, the beiyang government also wanted to solve the problem of military expenditure with the help of currency reform, so it decided to coin and issue national currency. Yuan shikai, in order to improve his dominance, took the opportunity to cast his head on the coin face, "yuan da da" came from this, because it was first cast in the third year of the republic of China, also known as "people three". Yuan da da was first minted in the third year of the republic of China and was designated as the national currency of the republic of China. Therefore, it has a very important position in the history of Chinese COINS.





This yuan big head in three years of the yuan a round product phase integrity, ancient natural. On the front side of the coin is a five-point image of yuan shikai on the left, with the traditional Chinese character "three years of the republic of China" cast on it. On the back is the pattern and the value of jiahe. Two jiahe patterns interact with each other and tie the knot at the bottom. In the middle is the word "yiyuan". Coin wrapped pulp natural, very exquisite, has a high collection value. Although the collection is 100 years old, it is still intact. Its color and lustre is bright, grain adornment is moderate in depth, brim line is thick and thin even, spacing also is close and consistent, portrait, beard, ear awn and so on fine point is clear and have degree, vivid and natural, have very high art appreciation value and cultural relic value, have certain function that preserve and appreciate value.





"Yuan da da" represents the connotation of currency culture in modern China. It has high ornamental value and cultural relic value, and has the function of preserving value. Although "yuan da da" is relatively common in the current collection market, and its price is not too high, but due to the longer time it was stopped from circulation and the large amount of exchange in the early stage of liberation, the amount of existence is not much, and the loss in the collection circulation is also relatively large, which determines the huge space for its rise. In addition, influenced by the law of value, the value of these COINS rose linearly, and with the passage of time, the appreciation potential is increasing. This yuan big head is very rare no matter its pulp, appearance or color. At present, the number of yuan da yuan yuan retained by the people in the third year of the republic of China is very rare, and the material of this yuan da yuan belongs to precious metals, the collection risk is small, the appreciation space is large, very suitable for investment and collection.

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