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2019年伦敦拍展览精品推荐 袁大头民国三年/鹰洋币

发布时间:2019-10-25 18:19来源:
2019年伦敦拍展览精品推荐 袁大头民国三年 鹰洋币 【藏.荐】栏为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家一级鉴定专家甄选的艺术珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让千百件艺术珍品价值被发掘






[Tibet. Recommendation] column for the strong dissemination effect of the collection to recommend to buyers the selected art treasures by experts at the first level of national appraisal, to bridge the gap for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures are excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded in the auction.




【名称】: 袁大头民国三年


【类型】: 钱 币


【年代】: 民 国


【规格】:直径:37.8mm 重量:26.3g





[name]: three years of the Republic of China


Type: Coins


[year]: Republic of China


[Specification]: diameter: 37.8mm weight: 26.3g



民国三年铸造的袁世凯银币有很多不同的版本,在正面的图案是基本相同的,但是在背面的图案和一些细节方面还是有所不同的。辛亥革命以后,袁世凯就任“临时大总统”之职,后又成为正式大总统。当时,为了巩固国内政局稳定,发展民族经济,也为“制宪”和“称帝”作准备,于是发布《国币条例》,毅然决定在全国“统一币制”。民国袁大头银元价格已经上升到天价,民国银币的发展前景一片大好。 袁大头是民国时期主要流通货币之一,“袁大头”是对袁世凯像系列硬币的口语俗称,严谨点说叫“袁世凯像背嘉禾银币”。而如今在投资收藏界有人说,2017年,股票滑铁卢之后,收藏古钱币成新投资方向!




There are many different versions of Yuan Shikai silver coins in the three years of the Republic of China. The obverse patterns are basically the same, but the reverse patterns and some details are different. After the 1911 Revolution, Yuan Shikai took the post of "temporary president" and then became a formal president. At that time, in order to consolidate domestic political stability, develop national economy, and prepare for "constitution making" and "becoming emperor", the state currency regulations were issued and resolutely decided to "unify the currency system" in the whole country. The price of yuan Datou silver dollar in the Republic of China has risen to the sky high, and the development prospect of silver coin in the Republic of China is promising. Yuan Datou was one of the main circulating currencies in the Republic of China. Yuan Datou is a colloquial term for Yuan Shikai's series of coins, which is strictly called "Yuan Shikai carries Jiahe silver coins on his back". Now, some people in the field of investment collection say that in 2017, after the stock Waterloo, collecting ancient coins has become a new investment direction!


In the third year of the Republic of China, yuan Datou mainly used Yuan Shikai's head as the main design of the coin. On the top of the head, there was "the third year of the Republic of China". On the back, the pattern formed a rice ear wreath with Jiahe pattern around the face value of the Chinese character, "one circle". Its design is wonderful and unique, and it highlights the authority's various deities visually. Even after a hundred years, it is still intact and of good quality. The overall design of coin surface is harmonious, the design is exquisite, and the technology is particularly refined. It is a high-quality silver dollar with high collection value, and its future appreciation is unlimited.

In the three years of the Republic of China, yuan Datou was influenced by history, a revolutionary cultural relic with high value and profound historical significance. In the three years of the Republic of China, yuan Datou recorded the great history of the revolution of 1911, especially the rare ones with good taste, so they are very popular with collectors. It is a kind of treasure that coin lovers and collectors are constantly seeking. In the future, the collection of "yuan Dadou" still has a large space of value.





【名称】: 鹰洋币


【类型】: 钱 币


【年代】: 清 代


【规格】:直径:38mm 重量:27.3g






[name]: Yingyang coin


Type: Coins


[time]: Qing Dynasty


[Specification]: diameter: 38mm; weight: 27.3g







墨西哥银圆又叫做"墨银"或"鹰洋",后讹为"英洋"。墨西哥的铸币史可以追溯到16世纪以前。由于墨西哥盛产白银等有色金属,古代印第安阿兹特加人早就掌握了把金、银、铜等贵金属加工成生活用品、装饰品和祭祀器具的高超技艺。1521年,西班牙殖民者占领了墨西哥,并于1535年在美洲设立了包括墨西哥与美国南部总共450万平方公里的第一个总督辖区,称之为"新西班牙总督区"。西班牙殖民者征服墨西哥后,曾试图使用西班牙银币。但是,他们很快发现,西班牙银币完全不能满足这个庞大的殖民地的需求。同时,为了便于把殖民地的贵金属运往宗主国,西班牙王室决定在殖民地设立造币厂。1535年,根据西班牙国王卡洛斯5世(Carlos V)的旨令,新西班牙总督区在征服者首领科尔特斯宅邸附近(现墨西哥城市中心宪法广场西侧)建立了美洲第一家造币厂。由于当时主要铸造银币,因此,开采和提炼的银子越来越多,铸币业一度成为当时最有活力的产业。墨西哥鹰洋,是指1821年墨西哥独立后使用的新铸币,它是从1823年开始铸造的。鹰洋大体分为两种,1897年以前的花边鹰洋和 1898年以后的直边鹰洋。晚清民国年间,外国银元输入中国者,属墨西哥鹰洋最多。据清朝宣统二年(1910)度支部调查统计,当时中国所流通的外国银元约有十一亿枚,其中有三分之一是墨西哥鹰洋。墨西哥鹰洋的成色较其他外国银元为佳,而且多年不变,人们都乐于使用。墨西哥鹰洋在中国南部、中部各省流通非常广泛,几乎成为主币。上海的外国银行发行纸币,在民国八年(1919)以前都以墨西哥鹰洋为兑换标准。墨西哥自由帽天平图鹰洋,可谓是世界各地“贸易银元”的典范,其构图指出了商品交易的真诠,含意既深远,又明确。背面均衡天平,意谓买卖要像天平一样,不能偏离一方,直到持平。轴上西班牙文“LEY(法律)”,意为若假币,交易不公,用法律来明断。轴背利剑,象征权力。也就是说,买卖要公平,老少无欺,不然可诉之于法律,不服仲裁,由执法部门强制执行。此版别的鹰洋从1869~1873年均有铸造,计有30多种。主要是1869--1873年分别同字母“C、P、H、 S、E、 M”等搭配铸造。版别不一,价格悬殊。个别品种,可遇不可求,该藏品是藏家家传之宝,包浆自然,边齿规整,值得收藏。 


The Mexican Silver Circle is also called "Mo Yin" or "Yingyang", which is later falsely called "Yingyang". The coinage of Mexico dates back to the 16th century. Because Mexico is rich in silver and other non-ferrous metals, the ancient Aztec Indians had mastered the superb skills of processing gold, silver, copper and other precious metals into daily necessities, decorations and sacrificial utensils. In 1521, Spanish colonists occupied Mexico, and in 1535, they established the first viceroy in America, including Mexico and the south of the United States, totaling 4.5 million square kilometers, called the "new Spanish Viceroy". After the Spanish colonists conquered Mexico, they tried to use Spanish silver coins. However, they soon found that Spanish silver coins could not meet the needs of this huge colony at all. At the same time, the Spanish royal family decided to set up a mint in the colony in order to facilitate the transportation of precious metals from the colony to the suzerain. In 1535, according to the decree of Carlos V, the governor of New Spain established the first Mint in America near the residence of Cortez, the conqueror leader (West of the constitutional square in the city center of Mexico). Since silver coins were mainly minted at that time, more and more silver was mined and refined, and the mint industry once became the most dynamic industry at that time. Mexican Eagle ocean refers to the new coinage used after Mexico's independence in 1821. It was minted since 1823. There are two kinds of hawk Ocean: the lace hawk ocean before 1897 and the straight edge hawk ocean after 1898. During the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the most foreign silver dollars were imported into China. According to the statistics of the second year of Xuantong (1910) of the Qing Dynasty, there were about 1.1 billion foreign silver dollars in circulation in China at that time, one third of which was the Mexican Eagle ocean. The appearance of Mexico's eagle ocean is better than other foreign silver dollars, and it has remained unchanged for many years, and people are willing to use it. Mexico's eagle ocean is widely circulated in the southern and central provinces of China, almost becoming the main currency. Before the eighth year of the Republic of China (1919), foreign banks in Shanghai used Mexico's eagle ocean as the exchange standard. Mexico's free hat balance, Yingyang, is a model of "silver dollar trade" around the world. Its composition points out the true meaning of commodity trade, which is both profound and clear. The balance on the back means that the business should be like the balance and not deviate from one side until it is even. The Spanish "ley (Law)" on the axis means that if the counterfeit currency is unfairly traded, the law will be used to determine. Shaft back sword symbolizes power. That is to say, the business should be fair and the old and the young should not be deceived. Otherwise, it can be sued against the law and enforced by the law enforcement department. From 1869 to 1873, there were more than 30 kinds of castings in Yingyang. It was mainly cast in 1869-1873 with the letters "C, P, h, s, e, M", etc. There are different editions and different prices. The collection is a treasure handed down by the family. It is natural to pack pulp and has regular teeth. It is worth collecting.












This collection is the core recommended collection in London, UK. You are welcome to come to London auction house for consultation and auction. It is a rare opportunity!



















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