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发布时间:2019-11-23 20:00来源:
智和文化熊牙化石精品推荐 化石是存留在岩石中的古生物遗体、遗物或遗迹。 漫长的地质年代里,地球上曾经生活过无数的生物,这些生物死亡之后的遗体或是生活时遗留下来的痕迹






A fossil is a remains, relic, or relic of a fossil that remains in a rock.

During the long geological time, the earth has lived countless organisms, and many of their dead bodies or traces of life are buried in the mud of that time. In the years that followed, the organic matter in the remains of these creatures dissolved, and the hard parts, such as shells, bones, branches and leaves, were petrified into stone along with the surrounding sediments, but their original shape and structure (even some of the subtle internal structures) remained; In the same way, traces of life can be preserved. We call these fossilized remains, remains, fossils. From fossils, we can see the appearance of animals and plants in ancient times, so that we can infer the living conditions and living environment of animals and plants in ancient times, the age and changes of the strata where the fossils were buried, and the changes of organisms from ancient times to modern times.

Bear is a symbol of good fortune, representing tenacity, valor and strength, often used as a metaphor for a healthy physique, with strategic wisdom, bear teeth naturally became a protective health amulet, more wear in weekdays, can eliminate disaster obstacles, fu Yin family strong physique.



Collection name: The bear tooth fossils





This treasure is temporarily placed in "Sichuan Zhihe Cultural Development Co., Ltd." intending to contact the company directly!


Sichuan Zhihe Culture is a comprehensive operation company that integrates online and offline art exhibition, auction, cultural exchange and art appreciation; with the business purpose of "drawing on Chinese wisdom, promoting Chinese spirit and creating Chinese value", it has a long-term vision, active planning and operation ability, and extremely pioneering spirit. God's team leads Chinese culture to the world.

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