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发布时间:2019-12-09 17:27来源:
全国粮票 粮票是20世纪50年代至90年代中国在特定经济时期发放的一种购粮凭证。 中国最早实行的票证种类是粮票、食用油票、布票等。1955 年8 月25 日,国务院全体会议第17 次会议通过


粮票是20世纪50年代至90年代中国在特定经济时期发放的一种购粮凭证。 中国最早实行的票证种类是粮票、食用油票、布票等。1955 年8 月25 日,国务院全体会议第17 次会议通过《市镇粮食定量供应凭证印制暂行办法》,很快,各种粮食票证便铺天盖地地进入社会。1993 年,粮油实现敞开供应,粮票被正式宣告停止使用,长达近40 年的“票证经济”就此落幕。






杨先生 15717407893


Food stamps are a kind of food purchasing certificate issued by China in specific economic period from 1950s to 1990s. The earliest types of tickets implemented in China were grain tickets, cooking oil tickets, cloth tickets, etc. On August 25, 1955, the 17th plenary session of the State Council adopted the Interim Measures for the printing of municipal grain ration supply certificates. Soon, all kinds of grain certificates entered the society. In 1993, the grain and oil supply was opened up, and the use of grain tickets was officially stopped, and the "ticket economy" which lasted nearly 40 years ended.

With the development of society, although it has withdrawn from the historical stage, it has become a new favorite of collectors. In today's collection market, food stamps, as a product of the 1950s to 1980s, made a great contribution to the food distribution in China at that time, alleviated the food shortage in China at that time and restrained the inflation of market economy. Therefore, it is of great historical significance. In the collection market, it has become the favorite of all. But because of its withdrawal from the stage of history in the 1980s, its value has been rising continuously, and it has become an existence that can be met but not be sought.

This group of food stamps are the national general food stamps of 1966, which are respectively three and five market Jin. The national general food stamps of six six year edition are well-known to all people. In people's mind, it can be called the synonym of food stamps. Along with hundreds of millions of people, her glorious image has been deeply remembered in the minds of generations.

Today, collecting food stamps is not only to keep the traces of those hard years. It is important that food stamps have high economic value and appreciation value. What's more important is to look back on the past and the present, to study and recall that particular period of history.

MR.Yang 15717407893

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