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发布时间:2020-02-05 18:48来源:


Meteorites, known as "rocks from stars", are the stone, iron or mixture of stone and iron that are scattered on the surface of the earth or other planets by the unburned cosmic meteors outside the earth. After falling to the earth, some of them fall into the sea, barren mountains, Gobi and other rare places. Even if they are found, people who are not familiar with them will think that they are ordinary stones, and few meteorites are really found.



[collection name]: olive glass meteorite


[Specification]: 3850g

陨石在高空飞行时,表面温度达到几千度。在这样的高温下,陨石表面融化成了液体。后来由于低层比较浓密大气的阻挡,他的速度越来越慢,融化的表面冷却下来,形成一层薄壳叫“熔壳”。熔壳很薄,一般在1毫米左右,颜色是黑色或棕色的。在熔壳冷却的过程中,空气流动在陨石表面吹过的痕迹也保留下来,叫“气印”。气印的样子很像在面团上按出的手指印。 熔壳和气印是陨石表面的主要特征。若是你看到的石头或铁块的表面有这样一层熔壳或气印,那你可以立刻断定,这是一块陨石。

When the meteorite flies at high altitude, the surface temperature reaches several thousand degrees. At this high temperature, the surface of the meteorite melts into a liquid. Later, due to the obstruction of dense atmosphere in the lower layer, his speed became slower and slower. The melting surface cooled down and formed a thin shell called "melting shell". The shell is very thin, usually about 1 mm, and the color is black or brown. In the process of melting shell cooling, the trace of air flowing on the surface of meteorite remains, which is called "air stamp". It looks like a finger print on a dough. The main characteristics of meteorite surface are melting shell and gas seal. If you see such a layer of molten shell or gas mark on the surface of stone or iron, you can immediately conclude that it is a meteorite.


Meteorites can be generally divided into stone meteorites, iron meteorites, stone iron mixed meteorites, glass meteorites, etc. The traditional trade of meteorites is mainly metal meteorites, such as iron meteorites in Nandan, Guangxi, Namibia, Fukang, Xinjiang, etc.


This olivine green meteorite weighs 3850g, has irregular shape and olive green color. It is translucent as a whole. There is a clear and visible luster in the middle of the section. It is crystal clear and bright. The burning trace on the stone surface is clear and silver white particles can be seen on the section. Many grooves with different shapes are distributed on the surface of this olivine glass meteorite, which are called melting grooves and have very striking melting lines. When meteors fall through the atmosphere, there are traces of high temperature combustion and tiny pores, as well as flow lines and streamline, which are mysterious and profound with beautiful texture. There are elongated bubbles and round bubbles of different sizes on the surface, which are very rare and of great collection value.



Meteorites have been collected in ancient times. Since modern times, with the development of astronomy, a group of meteorite collectors have appeared among meteorite lovers, who are called "meteorite hunters". Robert Hague, the American "meteorite Hunter", has been collecting meteorites all over the world since 1990. At present, the meteorite fever is still heating up, and the price of this mysterious and rare stone is rising all the way, sometimes even surpassing the diamond. The more expensive meteorites in the world come from the moon and Mars, with a market price of about 6000 US dollars per gram. As early as 1993, Sotheby's auction house sold a 0.33g lunar meteorite for 442500 US dollars, which is much more valuable than diamonds.








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