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发布时间:2020-04-23 23:38来源:
祺祥重宝是一枚古代钱币,铸于清穆宗初登基时(1861年)。时值载垣、肃顺八大臣奉诏辅政,即改元祺祥,并铸祺祥通宝与祺祥重宝当十钱。 Qixiang heavy treasure is an ancient coin, which was cas


Qixiang heavy treasure is an ancient coin, which was cast at the beginning of the reign of Mu Zong (1861). At that time, eight ministers of zayuan and SUSHUN were ordered to assist the government, that is, to change the Yuan Dynasty to Qixiang, and to cast Qixiang Tongbao and Qixiang chongbao as ten coins.



[collection name]: Qixiang treasure ten


Qixiang heavy treasure is about 3.5cm in diameter and about 12.5g in weight. The Qian Mian character "Qixiang chongbao" is written in regular script, which is read directly from top to bottom, right and left. The name of "Baoquan" or "Baoyuan" in Manchu is around the perforation of Qian Bei. The top and bottom of the perforation are the two characters of "Dang ten" in Chinese. Shortly after the "Qixiang treasure" was cast, the Regent of Empress Dowager Cixi changed to "Tongzhi" and Qixiang Tongbao was not allowed to pass, so it is rarely spread in the world. Qixiang Tongbao also has Hebei, as well as "Qixiang" and "Tongzhi" different Hebei coins.


Qixiang was the first year of emperor Tongzhi. At that time, some ministers opposed the idea because of the similar meaning of "Qi" and "Xiang". Later, it was abolished because Empress Dowager Cixi launched the Xinyou coup, with only 60 days left. Most of the coins were samples, and almost all of the currency was recovered and destroyed.



Due to the short issuing time of "Qixiang" year number money, it has a very small amount of life. Sun Zhonghui's Dictionary of coins contains: "Qixiang Tongbao, Qixiang chongbao: it was cast in the 11th year of Xianfeng (1861). Tongbao Xiaoping consists of Baoquan, Baoyuan, Baoyun, Baosu and Baogong. The last three are rare. There are three games of Baoquan, Baoyuan and Baogong. There is very little Baoquan. " Therefore, although the "Qixiang" year number money is not long ago, the rare things are precious, like many ancient coins of a long time, it is regarded as a treasure by coin collectors.






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