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发布时间:2020-10-30 19:57来源:

天珠是身份地位和福报财富的象征。由于老天珠具有强大的宇宙磁场能量和大修行者加持法力的能量,藏民们认为,如果能够拥有一颗真正的天珠,即是无限幸福好运的开始,必须具有无比殊胜的福份和善缘,更需有累世修来的大福报。有幸佩戴者,犹如金刚铠甲护身,能够消除一切违缘障碍;获得诸佛菩萨和本尊的庇佑加持,福慧绵长,如意吉祥。是世界上独一无二,不可再生、更不能复制的一种珍稀的至宝,也是供养诸佛的神圣极品 。此枚七眼天珠品相完好,为尼泊尔寺庙天珠,保存至今十分不易,很值得珍藏。

Tianzhu is a symbol of status and fortune. Due to the powerful magnetic field energy of the universe and the power of the overhaul Walker's blessing magic power, the Tibetans believe that if they can have a real pearl, that is, the beginning of infinite happiness and good luck, they must have incomparably extraordinary blessings and good luck, and more importantly, great blessings that have been cultivated through the ages. Blessed and blessed are those who are able to protect the Buddha from all obstacles. It is a rare treasure that is unique in the world, can't be regenerated, and can't be copied. It's also a sacred treasure for all Buddhas. This seven eye bead is in good condition. It is a Nepalese Temple bead. It is not easy to preserve and is worth collecting.



The seven eye beads have the meaning of seven Buddhas protecting all living beings. The three Buddhas in the solemn robbery are VIPA corpse Buddha, corpse abandoning Buddha and vishefu Buddha. There are four Buddhas in the virtuous robbery, namely, detaining sun Buddha, detaining nahamuni Buddha, Kaya Buddha and Sakyamuni Buddha. These seven Buddhas are all extinct, so they are called the past seven Buddhas.


Seven eye beads have seven meanings of giving. In addition to wealth giving, Dharma giving and fearless giving, the Buddha revealed that even if there was no wealth, he could give people seven kinds of alms. The Buddha believed that seven kinds of giving without spending money: (1) He Yan Shi: when giving a kind and pleasant alms to others, smile at others and make them have a good mood. (2) Language giving: say good words to others, keep good intentions, do good deeds, be good people, and encourage others to do their best. (3) Heart giving: have the heart to think about each other, and have the heart of caring for each other. (4) Eye Charity: look at people with friendly eyes. (5) Self giving: help others by doing what you can. (6) Seat or bed giving: give a seat to someone in need, or stay for someone else. (7) Observe giving: you can feel the other person's mind without asking, and give the other person the convenient help he needs.



Natural Tianzhu is qiyanshi shale, which contains jade, agate and crystal components. It is one of the seven treasures of tantra. It originated from the Tibetan people's worship of spirit stones. Tianzhu created an ancient civilization. It is a sacred object of the Tibetan people's worship of the gods, and it is also handed down from generation to generation as a special offering to Buddha. Tianzhu carries life and growth in nature, and the Pearl of heaven records the reincarnation of life, proving the merit of great achievements. Tianzhu, as a magic tool for offering Buddhist relics and protecting the body, goes through the time and space of human history. The most precious gem of the Himalayas. With the blessing of the pharmacist Buddha, he was executed from time to time to add the meaning of good luck and happiness. There are obvious natural ice cracks on the natural Qiyan Tianzhu. They are old-fashioned and have clear patterns. As a sacred object of Tibetan Buddhism, Tianzhu has many functions, which can bring blessings to devout people. The odd eye is the best. This bead is well preserved and oily. It shows how much the collectors like it. It is a rare holy collection.






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