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发布时间:2021-04-13 18:03来源:
【藏品名称】:坐洋币 [collection name]: sitting foreign currency 【藏品类别】:钱币 Collection category: Coins 【藏品数量】:一枚 [collection quantity]: one piece 【藏品简介】:外国银元由于其在中国


[collection name]: sitting foreign currency


Collection category: Coins


[collection quantity]: one piece


[introduction to collection]: due to the particularity and rarity of foreign silver coins in China, ancient coins have been popular with overseas collectors from 2014 to 2016, and the collection price and transaction price have been constantly updated and soaring. Of course, with the increasing number of coin collectors and enthusiasts, a lot of counterfeit coins have emerged in the market, which has brought trouble to many collectors. However, the cultural value and foundry technology behind ancient coins can not be imitated.


As a historical carrier, the "sitting foreign currency" silver yuan recorded the humiliating history of Chinese people's political oppression and economic exploitation after the Opium War. Studying the foreign currency circulating in China is of great significance for us to understand the crimes of foreign powers plundering China's wealth by using silver dollar trade, enhance the spirit of patriotism, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. At the same time, as one of the ancient coins, "zuoyang coin", with the development of the market, from the initial uninvited to the brilliant peak period, is now deeply loved by overseas collectors, and the collection value is constantly rising.


This 1906 sitting foreign currency coin is extremely rare because its front and back angles are 180 degrees apart. It has always been a major category in the collection, with a large appreciation space and high appreciation value. At the same time, this kind of coin has been sold at high prices in the auction house, which shows its popularity. In the late Qing Dynasty, the currency in circulation was extremely chaotic. Yingyang coin, Longyang coin, Zhanyang coin and zuoyang coin were the four major foreign currencies flowing into southern Fujian after the Opium War. As one of the four major currencies, zuoyang coin is of great significance to the study of the social situation and economic and cultural level at that time, and is worth collecting.

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