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发布时间:2019-08-24 17:42来源:
智和文化孙中山开国纪念币伍元精品推荐 孙中山(1866年11月12日1925年3月12日),名文,字载之,号日新,又号逸仙,幼名帝象,化名中山樵,常以中山为名。 是中国近代民族民主主义革命的开拓者


孙中山(1866年11月12日——1925年3月12日),名文,字载之,号日新,又号逸仙,幼名帝象,化名中山樵,常以中山为名。 是中国近代民族民主主义革命的开拓者,中国民主革命伟大先行者,中华民国和中国国民党的缔造者,三民主义的倡导者,创立《五权宪法》。他首举彻底反帝反封建的旗帜,“起共和而终两千年封建帝制”。民国元年(公元1912年)南京造币厂根据财政部的命令,首先铸造了中华民国孙像开国纪念币。

银元正面中央镌孙中山侧面肖像,外围双圈 (内一线圈,外珠点圈),边缘上镌中文隶书体“中华民国”4字,下镌中文隶书体“开国纪念币”5字,左右长枝花饰。左右下方分列五角星。故称下五角星版。该币的特点是:五角星方位在下,左右两个五角星摆放较正。五角星与英文字母间距较近。袁世凯窃取大总统后,该币即停铸,因时间短暂,流用不多,尤显珍贵。此藏品极具收藏价值和观赏性,品相精致,为难得的稀世珍品,目前投资市场火热,行情大涨,藏品为不可多得的收藏重器,极为罕见,有巨大的投资价值及收藏价值

Sun Yat-sen (November 12, 1866 - March 12, 1925), a famous article, written in Chinese, is named Rixin, Yixian, a young emperor and elephant, alias Zhongshan Qiao, often named Zhongshan. It is the pioneer of the national democratic revolution in modern China, the great pioneer of the Chinese democratic revolution, the founder of the Republic of China and the Chinese Kuomintang, and the advocate of the Three People's Principles. It established the Five-Power Constitution. He held the banner of thorough anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism for the first time. "Republicanism ended with two thousand years of feudal monarchy". In the first year of the Republic of China (1912 A.D.), the Nanjing Mint first coined the commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China, Sun Xiang, according to the order of the Ministry of Finance.

On the front of the silver dollar, there is a portrait of Sun Yat-sen on the side with double circles (inner circle and outer bead circle). On the edge, there are four characters of the Chinese Li script "Republic of China" and five words of the Chinese Li script "Founding Commemorative Coin" with long branches and ornaments. Five-pointed stars are arranged on the left and right. So it's called the Pentagon Star Edition. The characteristics of the coin are that the Pentagon is positioned downward and the left and right pentagons are positioned correctly. The distance between Pentagram and English letters is close. After Yuan Shikai stole the President, the coin ceased to be minted, especially because of its short time and limited circulation. This collection is of great collection value and ornamental value. It has exquisite appearance and is a rare rare rare treasure. At present, the investment market is hot and the market is soaring. The collection is a rare collection of heavy artifacts. It is extremely rare and has great investment value and collection value.


Collection name:Sun Yat-sen's Founding Memorial Coin Wood Garden



This treasure is temporarily placed in "Sichuan Zhihe Cultural Development Co., Ltd." intending to contact the company directly!

Sichuan Zhihe Culture is a comprehensive operation company that integrates online and offline art exhibition, auction, cultural exchange and art appreciation; with the business purpose of "drawing on Chinese wisdom, promoting Chinese spirit and creating Chinese value", it has a long-term vision, active planning and operation ability, and extremely pioneering spirit. God's team leads Chinese culture to the world.

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