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发布时间:2019-10-13 20:41来源:
2019 精品推荐咸丰重宝 藏品名称 : 咸丰重宝 售价: 咸丰重宝,系清咸丰年间所铸,因铸造工艺精美,且钱币传世不多,深为泉友所喜爱,一直被收藏家们视作无价之宝。此币为著名的
















Xianfeng Chongbao was cast in the years of Xianfeng in Qing Dynasty. Because of its exquisite casting technology and few coins handed down from generation to generation, it is deeply loved by Quanyou and has always been regarded as a priceless treasure by collectors. This coin is the famous Xianfeng Dang Shizhuangbao, weighing 17.13g and measuring 3.8cm in diameter. On the front, it has the regular script "Xianfeng Chongbao" read directly from top to bottom, right to left. On the back of the coin, the Chinese word "Dang Shi" is written, and on the left and right, the name of the Money Bureau is written in Manchu. This version of Xianfeng Chongbao is relatively high-grade, with clear and deep handwriting, fine copper, fine casting, thick and moist paste, clear and dignified font, smooth and neat strokes, rare and incomparable. It has great collection value and great potential for appreciation. Xianfeng Chongbao also has a relatively short time to issue currency because of the regional regime, and the narrow circulation area makes the currency valuable. In addition, due to the change of banknotes, copper coins are less issued, so the price is higher. This Xianfeng Chongbao Ten Packs of Pulp is warm and moist, with clear fonts. It is a rare appearance, and its stock is extremely rare. It is a high-quality collection and a well-known one. It has inestimable academic and historical value.




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