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中源世纪国际拍卖公司精品推荐 大清国慈禧皇太后纪念币

发布时间:2020-04-18 18:26来源:
中源世纪国际拍卖公司精品推荐: 大清国慈禧皇太后纪念币 zhongyuan century international auction company boutique recommendation: Commemorative COINS for empress cixi of the state of qing 中源世纪(北京)国际拍

中源世纪国际拍卖公司精品推荐: 大清国慈禧皇太后纪念币

zhongyuan century international auction company boutique recommendation: Commemorative COINS for empress cixi of the state of qing

中源世纪(北京)国际拍卖有限公司【藏.荐】栏 为藏品强大的传播效应向各位买家推荐经国家注册鉴定专家甄选的珍品,为藏家牵线搭桥,让艺术珍品价值被发掘与重视,在拍卖会上得以高价成交。



【规格】 4.5cm

【类别】 杂项

zhongyuan century (Beijing) international auction co., LTD. [zang. jian] column for the collection of strong dissemination effect to recommend the national registration of experts selection of treasures, for collectors matchmaking, let art value was discovered and attention, in the auction to clinch a deal at a high price.

[name] Commemorative COINS for empress cixi of the state of qing

[pecification] 4.5cm

[category] miscellaneous


The piece is 4.5 centimeters in diameter and weighs 26.7 grams. The front edge is engraved with the words "empress dowager cixi of the qing dynasty", and the inner circle depicts the portrait of empress dowager cixi. On the back is the flat dragon image. The commemorative COINS are made by the zhili household department in Beijing. It further illustrates the characteristics of its commemorative COINS. Excellent silver quality, natural old way of wrapping pulp, regular side teeth, money zhou zheng, deep and clear qian wen, good appearance. Preserved good appearance, although the collection has experienced endless years, but the lines are still clearly visible, the rust also witnessed the accumulation of its history, with a very obvious historical transitional characteristics, with indescribable value. Worthy of being the first commemorative coin in the history of qing dynasty, it is a rare fine work with great collection value and artistic value.


Historical value

公元1635年叶赫那拉氏被选秀入宫,同年被赐号“兰贵人”。 1861年8月咸丰帝在热河去世,同年慈禧与西宫太后一起垂帘听政,执掌朝政。整饬吏治,重用汉臣,依靠曾国藩、左宗棠、李鸿章等汉族地主武装;又在列强支持下,先后镇压了太平天国、捻军、苗民,缓解了清王朝的统治危机,重用洋务派,以“自强”和“求富”的方针,发展一些军用、民用工业,训练海军和陆军以加强政权实力。客观上对中国的近代化起到了一定积极作用。这一时期,国内起义被平定,两次鸦片战争暂时满足了列强的贪欲,外交上没有吃大亏,洋务运动后清王朝的军事实力有所提高,工商业有了初步发展,被称为“同治中兴” 1875年,慈禧采纳陕甘总督左宗棠的建议,出兵新疆,清军于1878年1月收复新疆;1881年,中俄通过谈判,中国收回伊犁大部分地区。虽后期随着年纪增大、权念日重、做出了一些错事情、但瑕不遮誉,后人为纪念慈禧做出的贡献特地制作了这一批纪念币。为我们后来的收藏和研究者提供了丰富多彩、趣味无穷的实物资料。

In 1635, ehenera was chosen by the court. In the same year, emperor xianfeng died in rehe in August 1861. In the same year, cixi and the empress dowager xigong were in charge of the government. He took charge of the government, ordered the official system, put han officials in high position, and relied on the armed forces of han landlords such as zeng guofan, zuo zongtang and li hongzhang. With the support of foreign powers, they successively suppressed the taiping tian state, the nien army and the miao people, eased the crisis of the qing dynasty, re-used the westernization school, developed some military and civilian industries, and trained the navy and army to strengthen the power. Objectively, it has played a positive role in the modernization of China. During this period, domestic uprising broke out, the two opium wars temporarily meet the powers of greed, diplomatic, pound-foolish, westernization movement after the qing dynasty military strength increase, industry and commerce had the preliminary development, known as "stagnation zte" in 1875, but so do dungans governor zuo zongtang's advice is empress dowager cixi, in xinjiang, in January 1878, the qing army recovered xinjiang; In 1881, China recovered most of ili through negotiations with Russia. Although he made some wrong things as he grew older and became more and more powerful, his shortcomings did not hide his reputation. Later generations made this batch of commemorative COINS specially to commemorate cixi's contributions. It has provided rich and interesting material materials for our later collections and researchers.


Cultural value


After the entry of the qing army into the customs, a series of large-scale wars broke out between the qing regime, the southern Ming regime and the peasant insurgencies. The unification war of the qing dynasty dominated the minting of this commemorative coin, which is a classic case and physical evidence of the evolution of wartime meritorious service. The Ming dynasty, the yuan dynasty and the qing dynasty were highlights in Chinese history. With the annihilation of the rival regimes one by one, the later commemorative COINS quickly transitioned from the wartime MEDALS to the construction period commemorative COINS, and the empress dowager cixi commemorative COINS were completely separated from the medal system in the Ming and qing dynasties. It is an important example to study how to restore the post-war economy in qing dynasty. The empress dowager cixi coin is the second in the history of China to complete the unification of the national minority people in the political power of the People's Republic of China. It is the embodiment of the development of Chinese feudal commemorative COINS to a more mature stage. Although this commemorative coin was started in the qing dynasty, it was not accomplished overnight, and it went through a gradual process. The research on the commemorative coin in the qing dynasty provides an important reference for understanding the evolution process.


The economic value


Throughout the coin exchange market in recent years, the heritage of the orderly quality of the guaranteed commemorative coin treasures are favored, collectors saw a flock of ducks, even if the price is higher some people pursue. Of course, more and more attention. In the past, the main collection of coin varieties, the product phase is not so picky, but in recent years, the coin phase has been highly promoted. China's modern history is a history of wars, from the regime of the southern Ming dynasty, the regime of the peasant rebels, the counter-insurgency of foreign states, the fighting among the warlords of the republic of China, the war of resistance against Japan, and the war of liberation in the later period. In the era of war and chaos, the commemorative COINS can still be preserved intact after experiencing endless years, it is not easy, has a high value of cultural relics collection, historical and cultural value, become the focus of many buyers, it is worth investing in the collection!



As the first commemorative coin produced by the founding of the qing dynasty, the commemorative coin of the empress dowager cixi of the qing dynasty is not much. According to the current market, most of its works are collected in famous museums at home and abroad, and few of them are collected by the people. In recent years, in the auction market, this rare ancient spring has become more and more important items. At the beginning of 2019, "yongbaozhai auction company" sold one piece for 950,000 yuan. The latest is Singapore bestar auction house, which sold 460,000 Singapore dollars (2.36 million yuan) in August 2019. It was the second highest price sold at the ancient spring shocked the audience. 

此藏品现交于公司中源世纪(北京)国际拍卖有限公司市场部专员运作推广。欢迎各位莅临本公司赏析及协商,广大收藏家可以通过各大媒体以及欢迎 到公司了解详情,如需意向购买,提前办理好相关手续过来公司协商。

The collection is now handed over to the company zhongyuan century (Beijing) international auction co., LTD. Welcome to our company to appreciate and negotiate, the majority of collectors can through the major media and welcome to the company to understand the details, if you want to buy, go through the relevant procedures to come to the company to negotiate in advance.

一件藏品的成交离不开广告宣传!本公司以自成立以来,始终秉承“公开,公平,公正,诚实,守信”的服务原则, 做最实在的宣传,上最高端的平台,享受最好的服务。

The deal of a collect cannot leave advertisement propaganda! The company since its inception, always adhering to the "open, fair, fair, honest, trustworthy" service principle, do the most practical publicity, the highest end of the platform, enjoy the best service.


Special note: (the above collection treasure holder is: Tibet friend entrusts our company to sell in good faith, welcome the collector from all walks of life to consult or bid tel. 010-59000899,13601215514. , pictures are taken in kind, if in doubt, please make an appointment to see the kind) zhongyuan century (Beijing) international auction co., LTD




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